Baby Sleep Changes and Daylight Savings Time

--- Updated for 2023 ---

Daylight Savings Time ends November 5

Toddler boy sitting in a pile of fallen fall leaves at a park.


🕒 Starting Sunday, November 5th, clocks will be set back one hour as daylight savings time ends.

We can expect sunset at around 5pm and sunrise at approximately 6am. Read on to learn how you can make this transition easier for your baby or toddler.

💤 Preparing your baby for the change to daylight savings time:

✨ Tuesday night, October 31st, put your baby down 10 minutes later for bedtime.

📖 Comfort, sing, read a book, or adjust the bedtime routine accordingly.

🌙 Begin pushing bedtime 10 minutes later each evening for the rest of the week.

By the time the time change happens, your baby will have gradually adjusted to the new time.


November 2023 calendar outlining key dates for the time change to DST: October 31 and November 5

Sample Baby Sleep Schedule 

If (for example) your baby's current bedtime is 7 pm, it will look like this:

  • Tuesday- 7:10 pm bedtime
  • Wednesday- 7:20 pm bedtime
  • Thursday- 7:30 pm bedtime
  • Friday- 7:40 pm bedtime
  • Saturday- 7:50 pm bedtime
  • Sunday- 7:00 pm bedtime (new time, old time will be 8pm)

Baby Sleep Tips

You may notice that your baby or toddler may start yawning at 5 or 6pm. Alternatively, you may notice that your baby is waking up earlier each day. No problem! By the time Daylight Savings Time ends, they will be adjusted to the new time change. Before this happens, you can take the time to darken up your baby/toddler’s room with darkening shades to help them to sleep a little later.

Curious about where to find darkening shades? I've compiled a list of my favorite products that will help you set up your baby's sleep environment for success. You'll find them here.

Is Your Baby a "Night Owl"?

But what if my baby is a “night owl”?

If that is the case, you may decide to keep their bedtime the same without using the 10-minute times adjustment. For example, if your baby goes to sleep too late, and you wish it were earlier, that will naturally happen on November 1st (ie: if your baby goes to bed at 9pm, their new bedtime will be 8pm).

For the next month, stick to your routine, and keep the daytime naps the same time and all will adjust accordingly.

Know that support is available; don’t hesitate to reach out

Real talk: the “falling back” daylight savings adjustment is about shifting your baby’s sleep schedule and circadian rhythm. You can do everything right and it still may take longer for them to adjust.

If you followed the 1-week shift protocol I have outlined here and you are still struggling with early morning wakings, please reach out to me. I can direct you to one of my classes or we can set up a 1:1 consultation where I can give you the personalized, step-by-step guidance you need to set your days and nights up for success. 

You are not meant to struggle through all of this on your own! I’ve got you. Contact me.


Adapted from Dr. Angelique Millette's advice. Dr. Millette is the creator of The Millette Method. Sarah is one of a handful of master level pediatric sleep consultants in the U.S. trained in The Millette Method, a method in sleep training that incorporates the multiple facets that impact sleep and works from a research-based background.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Sarah. As a mother of two, I quickly learned that sleep is influenced by a variety of factors and there is not one RIGHT way to help baby sleep. Both of my daughters had unique temperaments and struggles, and I was humbled to learn that newborns are complicated and parenting in a world of information overload is stressful.

Now, I partner with parents to create a tailored plan using an evidence-based and multidimensional approach to sleep. I take great care in co-creating a plan that takes into account all of the factors that makes each family unique, including parenting philosophies, infant temperament and readiness, age, weight gain, health and development and much more. To date, I have helped over 2,000 families.

If you're ready to teach baby to sleep independently and feel like someone’s got your hand through all of this, contact me.

Tell me more about what you’re facing and I can answer your questions about my approach to working with families and offer a personalized plan that gives you the support you and your family deserve. 🫶